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Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled


PS4 . XBOX ONE . Nintendo-Switch
بلاستيشن 4 . اكسبوكس ون . نينتيندو سويتش


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Product Description

Crash is back again, and this time he’s revved up to the max in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, an authentic Crash Team Racing experience that’s been remastered in stunning HD and so much more! Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled brings the characters, karts, tracks and arenas to modern console HD graphics. Fans will be able to see Crash and friends’ expressions and antics in beautiful detail as they blast each other with power-ups and whiz around the corners in all the original racetracks. The stakes are high and the competition is fierce as players race with a variety of Crash Bandicoot series characters, including Crash, Coco, Dr. Neo Cortex and others against the egomaniacal Nitros Oxide to save our planet from destruction. In the new game, Adventure, Arcade Single Race and Cup Race, Time Trials and Battle Mode are back. Play Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled single player or vs. friends both online and offline.


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